What a week we have had. We celebrated Chase's birthday on Monday with dinner {Chase's choice...Sweet n' sour meatloaf, baked potatoes, & green beans...
Mmmm!} and cake. It was a great evening spent with close friends and family. Happy 28
th Birthday Love! ;) You're the best!
After everyone left, Ryder approached me and out of the blue says, "Mom, I am sure glad they are going to fix my hydro-seal when I have surgery because its been bothering me today..." So I say, "Let me have a look buddy..." Much to my dismay, it wasn't the hydro-seal, but a relapse of the Minimal Change
Nephrotic Syndrome. He was swollen in his groin area again, but not nearly as bad as back in April when he was first diagnosed. I started him on the steroids again, and we headed to Utah anyways the following morning {Tuesday} as planned, as Noah had an
appt. as well, and I wasn't sure if it was going to be a
deal breaker for surgery. Long story-short,
Ryders surgery was cancelled until he is off the steroids {hopefully early November...}. We met with a
nephrologist {kidney specialist} Thursday morning and he was very optimistic and reassuring...I liked him.
As for Ryder, he is doing remarkably well considering all he has been through. He is amazingly resilient and strong. He is still swollen and therefore pretty uncomfortable because of it, but is in good spirits otherwise.
As for Noah, his appointment went awesome! Dr. Barnhart was very pleased with everything and cleared him for good! He said unless we have concerns in the future, we don't need to see him again. Yay!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support of our family. We are so thankful and blessed to have such a wonderful support system around us in trying times like these. :)