Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. -From Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Decorating the tree

As soon as Thanksgiving dinner is over, the boys are itchin' to get a Christmas tree and decorate it.  Noah is so fun this year! He loves everything about Christmas.  My favorite is when he comes upstairs first thing in the morning and wants to snuggle on my lap and watch the Christmas lights "dancing" on the tree.
 As soon as we got home from Boise, we got our tree.  Chases' job is to set it up, I am in charge of stringing the lights and then the boys are turned loose on hanging the ornaments!  That last step has been challenging for me in years past, as I have always wanted a "Perfect" Martha Stewart worthy tree.  But to see the joy and excitement on their little faces as they are hanging their ornaments just-so is so much more precious to me than any "perfect" tree would be.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012....late.

Arghh! Why am I always playing catch-up?!  To my credit, this time it wasn't completely my fault. I have been without a computer for almost 4 weeks! Do you know how frustrating that is?  Try homeschooling without a computer.....HAHAHAHAHA!  Anyways, we spent Thanksgiving in Boise at Chase's sister/brother-in-laws home.  It was a really great week.   Here are a few pictures I managed to snap of the boys making pudding pies with their Auntie Hailey...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pumpkin Pickin'

The majority of their time was spent chasing a lizard, NOT picking their pumpkins!  Good times, good times:)

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Living Planet Aquarium

On our last visit to SLC {Nephrology & Post-surgery follow-up) we took a trip to the Living Planet Aquarium.  The boys had such a great time!  I think we spent about 4 hrs there.  Here are some highlights...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fun at the park

Noah: Mom! Do you want to come on the bumpy slide with me?
Me: I don't think thats a slide honey.
Noah: Yes it is! I will show you...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What we've been up to today...

Sight-word "picking"

 And candy-corn counting

Ridge is an amazing student! He is having so much fun in Kindergarten this year.  He wakes up every morning eager and wanting to learn ALL day long.  He started reading a month or so ago, and hasn't looked back.  It is an amazing experience to witness first-hand that particular break-through.  I wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fly Hunting

In case you were wondering, fly swatters are SO last year when it comes to killing flies.  'Round these parts, we use shotguns....
Notice the tiny little black speck on the baseboard? That is his intended target :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fun at the Gym

All three boys are involved in Gym {we call it Gym, NOT Gymnastics as it sounds less feminine} this year, and they are loving it! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Always playin' catch up these days!

We have been so incredibly busy!  And the ol' blog has suffered :(  I feel like a circus performer (costume being "comfy" pants, undone hair & booger swipes) just trying to keep all the balls in the air.....quite frankly its exhausting! 
The next few posts will be catching up on what we've been up too, then something SO super cute, I can't wait to share!
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year!  I love everything about it! With the weather getting colder, there has been a resurgence of crafts/projects in our house this time of year....LOVE IT~

There is always an abundance of spuds 'round these parts, so we decided to try our hand at POTATO STAMPING!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The best cousins EVER!

Mason, Tanner & Carter sent Ryder a post-op care package....ENJOY!

For those that can't tell what it is, it is a giant, black rubbery spider!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Another one down, and who knows how many to go......

Ryder had surgery again on Tuesday at Primary Children's Hospital in good ole' SLC.  His strength and self-control in such a trying time never cease to amaze me.  His surgery was scheduled for 7:30 AM with check-in (pre-op) at 6 AM!!! Arghhh! We packed up little brothers and they went to have a sleep-over at Grandma and Grandpas house (Chases mom and dad) so we could leave Blackfoot about 3 AM.....NOT COOL!
Ryder handled himself well up until we had to part into same-day surgery waiting room (via the Rainbow Cafe for some much needed chow) and Ryder into anesthesia with an uber cool anesthesiologist (he was a die-hard Denver Broncos fan!)  I think that was the moment it hit Mr. Ryder...he cried for a few minutes, then bravely pulled himself together, and headed into surgery...:(
Surgery lasted about an hour, and everything went well.  Only manipulations on his right leg this time (the long healthy leg)...a couple screws were placed back in the existing 8-plate in his leg, and two new 8-plates were placed on the lower part of the leg.  If you have no idea what I am talking about right now, refer HERE
We are day 3 days post-op, and he is getting stronger and more mobile every day.

Getting some stylish new duds :)
 In Recovery...he was SO sleepy, but I think he was faking us out because when I pulled open an eyelid, a fist swung up my direction!
 On the way home with his fruit punch slushy...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Greyson & Noah

These two bundles of energy were in the NICU together! During that time, it was near impossible for me to picture our kiddos out of the hospital and doing things like swimming together! I sure wish we lived closer together!  It was a blast getting to see you Newkirk Family!

Monday, August 27, 2012

A trip back home

When I think of my Opa {grandpa} I envision a Strong, Well-Respected businessman.  A couple months back, my brother called and informed me that Opa's health had taken a turn for the worse. He has since stabilized and is back home and doing okay. No solid "answers" from the medical professionals as to why. *Sigh* Incredibly frustrating! I have to tell myself its called "practicing" medicine for a reason!  Nevertheless, it got my feet-dragging behind to book a ticket for Noah & I {flying isn't cheap these days!} and visit.
We stayed with my brother Joe & his sweet family.  They were very accommodating and excellent hosts.  I am very glad I was able to go and see everyone.  Here are a few highlights!

Noah on Uncle Joe's Boat

 Noah and Cousin Koltyn
 Noah loved the airplane ride! He asked if I could put the tickle back in his belly...
 After take-off he slept the entire time! I had to wake him up for landing...oh ya! I was that mom :) You know you're jealous!