Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. -From Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A {not so} Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Sunday morning brought us a little grumpy being in the form of a boy named Ryder. It seemed no matter what was said or done, he was upset. I originally had plans to attend a baby shower in Idaho Falls, but after talking with Chase, we decided that the last few days had been about us and our own agendas, and that was probably the reason for our grumpy Mr. Ryder. So we let the boys pick our Sunday afternoon adventures. After a quick discussion, it was off to McTucker Gravel Ponds for some food, fun, and fishing with Grandpa Chuck and cousins Mason and Tanner.

We didn't catch anything {except for maybe a few hundred rocks inside of the boy's boots}, but it was a day enjoyed by all.