Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. -From Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Look who's walking now!

Noah has been flirting with the idea of walking for some time, but just recently decided that he was ready. He has impeccable balance and coordination as demonstrated at the end of video #1

P.S. Bedtime is not the best time to try to get footage {not sure how I missed that lesson... as they say, this ain't my first rodeo!} All this short stack had on his mind was baba and a blanket.


  1. Sweet dance moves Noah! Did I hear you call him River? Is he making the switch with his brothers? :) Also, never underestimate the power of a cell for motivation to walk, right? Ha! These were great!

  2. Yes Kara, I called him River! Who knows what his primary name is/will be/was....Chase calls him River more than I do, but I do throw one out every now and again. :)
