Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. -From Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We're home

in pre-op

getting dressed {which he might have been the worst part!}

killin' time
at the moment....

What a day! We left at 3 am this morning, surgery check-in was at 6:45, surgery at 8:15...

The drive was good, roads were clear the entire way. I left Noah and Ridge with Chases mom {Sheri}... Thank You Grandma!!!! It made the trip nice and easy to only have to get Ryder and I out of the house.

Ryder was amazing! He was so composed this morning before surgery, even in pre-op, where they go through details of the surgery...emotions got the best of him when the Dr. that was performing the surgery {Dr. Randall...who we see a few times every year, so Ryder is very familiar w/him} came to talk to us before surgery. Ryder saw him in full surgical attire, and told him that he looked weird today and that he usually wears gray pants! Ha, so funny! He started to get a bit teary but overall did so good!

Surgery was scheduled to take 1 1/2 hrs, but only took 1 hr....things went very smoothly. Ryder was very sleepy in post-op. I think alot of it had to do with the fact that we left home at 3 am! But recovered quickly and we left the hospital about noon I think...

1 comment:

  1. What a tough little cowboy! You tell him we all think he's super brave. I bet you're excited when Primary's is NOT your second home one day.:) ps - I heard Carrie Underwood's song about temporary homes the other day and of course got teary eyed. It was that danged ringer of yours while our kids were roommates! We can't wait to see you next week. As of now, we are coming!!
