Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. -From Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What if....

12/17/09 Noah's Birthday!!!

  • Upon arriving at University of Utah hospital, there were numerous ultrasounds, consultations, medications, and monitoring, none of which were very promising. Our first ultrasound revealed a possible Diaphragmatic Hernia...not a good thing. The ultrasound guy asked if I was aware and had discussed it with my doctor, um..........NO! What the heck is a Diaphragmatic Hernia?! How will it affect my baby? What caused it? Is it life-threatening/treatable? Ultrasound guy..."Well, lets not jump to conclusions here, its just a possibility." Then why would you tell a mother {Especially, one dealing w/pregnancy-induced hypertension, i.e. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!} anything in the first place?
  • So 48 hrs {the amount of time the steroid shots for baby's lungs need to have the best affect} have passed and we are preparing for the c-section, when one of the doctors come and sits at my bedside and gives us about a 10 minute spiel on the problems our baby will most likely face throughout his life. Statistics, probabilities, and timelines for babies born at 25 wk gestational age are NOT GOOD. In fact, they are downright TERRIFYING! And when he wraps it up he looks right at Chase and I and asks us if we would like them to rescucitate our baby. Seriously. What if we had said no??? What if we didn't know God and had let fear make our decision? What if we didn't want to fight the fight we knew was coming? What if?
  • And so we said Yes, we would like to give our baby every opportunity to live, because we believe that ultimately it was not our choice to make...Thank you GOD!
So we have a birthday, although I can't say it was truly happy. We welcomed Noah River McBurney. Just 1lb 3oz, and 12 inches long. Not breathing....the fight is on...

P.S. pictures of his birthday party this year are coming!!! {A Happy Birthday!}

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I already know the outcome a year later. This is so intense to read! I can't imagine taking a life flight ride. I also cannot BELIEVE the doctor asked you about recusitating him. It makes me sad that there might be a "no" answer out there sometimes. Thanks for sharing this exciting story!
