Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. -From Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A year ago today......12/14/2009

Little did I know, a year ago today our lives were about to be changed forever. Life as we knew it would cease to exist for what would seem like forever. The following is a summary of the chain of events that started a ball rolling that grew bigger and Bigger and BIGGER!


I had a routine doctors appointment scheduled....that turned into a nightmare.

  • Peed in a cup {a normal thing} Doctor McKinlay came in and told me I was spilling protein {4+.....a not so normal thing} He assured me it could be from something else, and lets not jump to conclusions....yet.
  • Nurse took my blood was high, like really, really high. 155/105 How I was not feeling or seeing any symptoms I don't know.
  • Okay, we are starting to jump to conclusions. Dr. McKinlay says lets get labs and an ultrasound scheduled to make sure baby is still thriving and doing well.
  • I go down the hall and get labs drawn...
  • I have an unscheduled ultrasound ones talking, no ones smiling, no ones happy.
  • Dr. says while he waits for and reviews labs/ultrasound to go home and get off my feet, take it easy....
  • I leave, grab a Chai tea {drive-thru} and head home....never made it.
  • Dr. calls and says labs are not good {a gross understatement} and that baby is measuring 2 wks small. Only 4 wks prior baby was measuring term. Dr. also sees a reverse flow in the unbilical cord....also not good.
  • Dr. says to turn around, drive {very carefully as my platelets were so low he was afraid that if I were to get in an accident there would be no stopping any bleeding} to the hospital, he had already spoken to University of Utah specialists and Lifeflight was on their way to get me.
  • Turned around and heading to the hospital, still in complete denial. Make a phone call to Chase and say don't worry, they probably just want to run some tests and send me home, no don't come w/me, stay w/the boys and I'll be home soon. Ha!
  • Arrive at Bingham Memorial and strip down to a lovely hospital gown and get the full workup.....IV, Blood Pressure, Fetal monitor, Steroid shots {for baby's lungs} and started on Magnesium. If you have never had the privilege to be on Magnesium, be ever so thankful. It's awful stuff meant to prevent seizures from high blood pressure but it makes one feel positively dreadful! Dr. McKinlay waited and visited w/me until Lifeflight arrived.
  • Lifeflight arrives and I am transported via ambulance to our teeny, tiny airstrip in Blackfoot.
  • To be continued......


  1. I totally know this story, but it makes me ache every ya

  2. Brings so many memories...fighting the tears. You're amazing, thanks for your strength! It was good to visit the other night and to meet the other amazing people I've heard so much about!
